Managing the Unmanageable: Humorous Insights for Project Managers


For each project manager, there are certain phrases that strike fear into their hearts. Whether it’s a client who’s unhappy with the deliverables or a team that’s come down with the flu, there are always some statements that no project manager wants to hear. And while these situations are no laughing matter, sometimes humor can help alleviate the stress and frustration that come with managing complex projects.

In this blog entry, I have compiled a list of phrases that no information project manager wants to hear and that can be used during your risk assessment exercise.

  • “Oops! I deleted the entire database.”

This phrase can send shivers down any project manager’s spine. Losing an entire database is a nightmare scenario, and it can cause untold chaos and stress for everyone involved. If you hear this phrase, it’s time to start breathing into a paper bag.

  • “I accidentally sent the confidential information to the wrong person.”

As a project manager, you’re responsible for keeping sensitive information secure. So, when you hear that someone has sent the wrong file to the wrong person, your heart will start racing, and your palms will start sweating. Good luck explaining that one to the CEO!

  • “The server is down, and we don’t know when it will be back up.”

Servers are the backbone of any tech project, and when they go down, it can mean disaster for everyone involved. Hearing that the server is down, and that there’s no clear timeline for when it will be back up, is the stuff of nightmares.

  • “We’re over budget, and we’re not sure we can finish the project.”

Staying within budget is essential. If you hear that the project has gone over budget, it means that you’ll need to figure out where the overages occurred and how to bring the project back on track. This can be a stressful and time-consuming process, and it can also create tension with your clients or stakeholders who may not be happy with the additional costs. Additionally, if the project goes significantly over budget, it could mean that the company will have to absorb the additional costs, which could impact future projects and budgets. This is definitely not news that any project manager wants to hear.

  • ” The deadline is tomorrow, and we’re only halfway done.”

Deadlines are a project manager’s worst enemy, and when you hear that the project is only halfway done with only one day to go, you might start to feel like you’re in a horror movie. Good luck sleeping tonight!

  • “I accidentally uploaded the wrong version of the software.”

Software development is a complex process, and it’s easy to make mistakes along the way. However, hearing that someone has uploaded the wrong version of the software is a nightmare for project managers. How will you explain this to the client?

  • “The client is unhappy with the deliverables.”

As a project manager, your job is to ensure that the client is happy with the end result. So, when you hear that the client is unhappy with the deliverables, it can be a major blow to your ego. You’ll need to figure out what went wrong and how to fix it quickly, or risk losing the client’s business.

  • “The entire team has come down with the flu.”

Teamwork is essential for any successful project, so when you hear that the entire team has come down with the flu, it can be a major setback. You’ll need to figure out how to keep the project on track despite the absences, which can be a logistical nightmare. And if you’re not careful, you might even catch the flu yourself!

  • “The vendor we’ve been working with has gone out of business.”

When a vendor goes out of business, it can create a lot of problems for information project managers. It can mean that you’ll need to find a new vendor quickly, which can be a time-consuming process, and it can also mean that you’ll need to start over with a new team who may not be as familiar with the project as the original team was. Additionally, if the vendor was responsible for a critical component of the project, it could mean that the project will be delayed or even canceled. This can be a stressful and frustrating situation for any project manager to deal with.

The phrases listed above can be quite stressful for project managers, but with the right planning and approach, their impact can be significantly reduced. It’s important to do your due diligence upfront and plan for potential issues before they arise. This includes building in contingency plans, communicating effectively with stakeholders, and having a solid project management process in place.

Of course, no matter how much planning you do, unexpected situations can and will arise. It’s important to be adaptable and ready to pivot when needed. This means being flexible in your approach, and being willing to adjust timelines, budgets, or strategies when the situation calls for it.

While the job of a project manager can be challenging, it’s also incredibly rewarding. The ability to manage complex projects and see them through to successful completion can be incredibly satisfying. So, if you’re feeling the stress of some of these phrases, remember to take a deep breath, stay calm, and trust in your planning and leadership skills. With the right attitude and approach, you can navigate any situation that comes your way!